Alexandria City, VA

Services in the City of Alexandria.

Flexible Funds

A state funding source for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities moving to housing with a lease in their own name.

Food for Others

Food for Others provides food through warehouse services and neighborhood sites. Individuals and families in need to supplemental food may go to one of 16 neighborhood site locations to pick up food. 

Foundation for Appropriate and Immediate Temporary Help (FAITH)

Limited emergency financial assistance.

Grace Episcopal Church

Grace Episcopal Church has a food pantry that provides food staples to needy families and individuals.

Grace Ministries

Grace Ministries is a collaborative of local United Methodist Churches within Northern Virginia that work together to provide emergency food, clothing, household items, diapers and healthcare information and screenings.

Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia

Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia has fair housing specialists that counsel both home seekers and housing providers on their rights and responsibilities under federal and state fair housing/civil rights laws. 

Individual and Family Support Funds

Individual and Family Support Funds are a state funding source from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services that assist individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities on the waitlist for Medicaid Waiver home and community based services and their families.