Loudoun County, VA

Services available for people in Loudoun County.

Loudoun Interfaith Relief

Loudoun Interfaith Relief has a food pantry that Loudoun County residents may visit twice per month.

Middleburg FISH

Medical and rental assistance and assistance with utilities.

Money Management International - Leesburg

Works with those in debt and their creditors to work out a payment plan.

Project Based Vouchers - Loudoun County

Loudoun County Department of Family Services has accessible project-based voucher units that are specifically targeted to people with disabilities on the housing choice voucher waitlist who need barrier-free housing.

Rebuilding Together Loudoun

Provides several low-income homeowners critical home repairs, accessibility modifications and energy-efficient upgrades each year.

Rental Unit Accessibility Modification Program

Virginia Housing Development Authority Rental Unit Accessibility Modification Program provides renters with disabilities up to $6,000 to make accessibility modifications to a rental unit leased in their name.

Reston Bible Church

Reston Bible Church has a food pantry that provides emergency food assistance.

Salvation Army - Loudoun County

The Loudoun County Salvation Army thrift stores provide furniture, household items, and clothing at a low-cost rate. The Salvation Army provides living assistance for utility bills, rent, prescriptions, food, clothing, and furniture, and a hot meal distribution program on Saturdays.