Prince William County, VA

Services available for people in Prince William County, Virginia.

Prince William County Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program

Rent help, money for deposits, and other housing resources.

Prince William County Housing & Community Development Housing Choice Voucher Program

Prince William County Housing & Community Development Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
Housing Choice Voucher Program

Project Mend-a-House

Provides free home repair and home modification services to seniors, people with disabilities and low-income owners and renters in Prince William County, Manassas City and Manassas Park.

Rental Unit Accessibility Modification Program

Virginia Housing Development Authority Rental Unit Accessibility Modification Program provides renters with disabilities up to $6,000 to make accessibility modifications to a rental unit leased in their name.

Salvation Army of Prince William County

The Salvation Army of Prince William County provides emergency financial assistance including utilities. Food pantry once a month.

SHARE, Inc. - Food

SHARE is a non-profit that moves healthy groceries at roughly a 50% discount into homes in the DC area through high-volume purchasing and thousands of volunteer hours.